Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My first day..

My husband (yoeddy) got me interested in trying my hand at this whole blogging thing…. Looks like kind of a fun way to express myself and keep in touch with family… I am a busy mother of 2 very active and entertaining boys. I also work at a Semi-Conductor Company in a fabrication environment where we manufacture microchips for a bazillion different electronic devices. On top on trying to stay focused on what my kids need I am also taking classes and am involved in an Empowerment Team at work. Needless to say my free time is limited. When I do get free time I enjoy reading. Mostly things with a lot of “fluff”. I enjoy a little murder mystery tossed in with some romance. Not that I need romance….. Being married for almost 13 years, I have had plenty of that. ( In case you couldn’t tell there was a little sarcasm in that statement!!! ) After that many years you are just comfortable with each other and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. ; ) My boys are into video games, riding motorcycles, riding bikes, playing with cars, baseball. Yes, boy stuff! Any parent out there knows that what your kids are into, you are into, and can I just say that once in a while I would love someone to watch a girl movie with… HaHaHa!!! As time goes on I am sure I will divulge more and more about my crazy household….stay tuned…..


Walker Family said...

Ahhhhhh Kimby!! I didn't know you had a blog until I was catching up on Jas's! I like your title..."One Day at a Time" I need to think about that...love and miss you SO much!

jill 'E' jam said...

Kimby! You have a blog!! It's been a while since you posted but saw the link on Andrea's site. Here's mine ... www.alaska-girl.blogspot.com

I miss you!!!